MULIKAMEE – Fighting unemployment, emigration and radicalisation – INGSA Case Study

The President of Mulikamée made the fight against poverty the primary focus of her seven-year mandate. She is seeking to establish a wide-ranging policy involving various ministries (Education, Youth, Homeland Security, Economy, Science, etc.), whose main objectives are to stabilize economic growth and lower the unemployment rate. She is concerned by the rise in radicalization and illegal emigration and understands that youth unemployment could be the cause. Despite the studies, there appear to be a range of possible responses and the policy options need to be refined. Furthermore, she is alarmed by the significant disparities between the figures produced by the Mulikamée Institute of Statistics, the Ministry of the Interior and the research firm.

File Type: pdf
Categories: INGSA Case Studies
Tags: Education, Fictional, Migration, Social
Author: Aminata Sall Diallo, INGSA-Africa