Enabling Global Communities of Best Practice
The INGSA Thematic Divisions enable focus and depth on addressing the structural and thematic issues related to common challenges at all levels of policy-making
Bringing together a world of perspectives and experiences to tackle the challenges common to science advisors and policymakers
Global networks for knowledge sharing, collaboration, and proactive thinking on to improve evidence-into-policy
Divisions are at the forefront of defining the issues, synthesising best practice, and then disseminating shared lessons

INGSA Thematic Divisions enabling change:
How Do You Get Involved?
1. Join INGSA
The International Network for Governmental Science Advice is free to join but some of the INGSA Thematic Divisions are invitation-only, based on the goals of the individual network. In the sign-up for you will see which Divisions are currently open-access; just pick the Divisions that interest you and you will be subscribed…It’s that easy!