Science Advice Knowledge Hub

The State-of-the-Art in Science Advice and Science Diplomacy

Science Advice Knowledge Hub

The State-of-the-Art in Science Advice and Science Diplomacy

Producing and collating resources from the cutting-edge of Science Advice

As well as undertaking its own research and projects, INGSA manages a growing list of resources and organisations at the forefront of science advice to government, providing access to both established and emerging ideas. We rely on INGSA members to suggest additions to these lists – it will never be complete and we are always seeking to update the resources.

INGSA Case Studies

Explore the complexities of working at the science/policy/society nexus through one of INGSA’s diverse range of Fictional, Historic, and Gamified scenarios. These are perfect for education, workshops, or professional development to build the skills required to untangle complex, contested, and multi-polar problems.

All INGSA Case Studies are available for use on a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence

INGSA Horizons – Podcast and Video Series

“Great conversations at the intersection between science, society and policy

The INGSA Horizons video and podcast series bring you the world’s leading science advice and science diplomacy practitioners. COVID pulled back the curtain on the importance of good science informing smart policy – join us as we explore this critical, but often invisible, space between knowledge and the laws and regulations that rule our lives.

Search the Full INGSA Resource Library

Access the full INGSA Resource Library here or check out the links below to jump directly to specific resource lists.


A repository of research reports from both INGSA and external organisations, into the systems and translation of evidence-into-policy. INGSA collates relevant reports that add to the literature of the field.

Academic resources

The nature of science advice and science diplomacy continue to change, driven by the work of scholars and practitioners around the world. INGSA maintains a list of academic publications related to knowledge-for-policy, including its own Nature Humanities and Social Science Communications collection.

Articles and Commentaries

Evidence-to-policy processes occur at the intersection between Science, Knowledge Production, and Society. As such, INGSA collates some of the most pertinent discussion, debate, and explanation of science advice across the media.

Help us keep these resources up-to-date!

INGSA relies on its members to keep these lists current with the top resources in science advice and science diplomacy. Have you published something recently or thought that there’s a critical paper or report we’ve missed? Contact us with the details!

Principles and Structures

Concepts and practices for how knowledge informs public policy, have changed dramatically since it emerged as a discrete area of study. Often these discursive shifts are brought about by, or documented as, attempts to codify the Principles or Guidelines that should underpin the practice of science advice. These resources provide guidance on the current best practice, as well as track the critical moments that have faced this burgeoning field of thought.

Tools/Skills for Practitioners

Whether it’s engaging in the translation of knowledge to policy advice, or training others in techniques or skills to improve their effectiveness at the evidence/policy interface, it helps to have well-designed tools and resources to assist. This list seeks to collate the best tools, toolkits, and practical resources to help practitioners increase the effectiveness of their work.

Science Advice Organisations

The range of organisations that have a part to play in the translation of knowledge into policy-ready advice, is extremely broad – from academic academies, to purpose-built government advisory functions, to community/civil organisations.

INGSA maintains a list of some of the organisations working in evidence-to-policy systems, to help you find additional resources or collaborations.