Scientific Advice for Policy-Making – OECD Presentation – IAP – 2015
Presentation to IAP from the OECD – Title: Scientific Advice for Policy-Making: The role and responsibility of expert bodies and individual scientist
Presentation to IAP from the OECD – Title: Scientific Advice for Policy-Making: The role and responsibility of expert bodies and individual scientist
Address to the INGSA workshop on International Collaboration in Science Advice – a satellite meeting to the World Science Forum. Budapest, Nov 4th 2015 Much of the contention that has surrounded models of science advice comes because there are different understandings of what is meant or desired. While the discussion today is going to be…
Overview of the Cuban Science Advice Office. Prep material for INGSA2014
Policy Paper from the EC’s Science and Technology Advisory Council (STAC) – 2013.
Principles and Guidelines provided by the government of Canada on properly using evidence in government decision-making
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