Centre for Science Futures – ISC

The ISC has established the Centre for Science Futures to improve our understanding of emerging trends in science and research systems, and to provide options and tools for appropriate action. The Centre, launched in May 2023, explores where changes in science and its organization are leading us by carrying out analytical work, organizing workshops, and compiling resources….

COALESCE – Co-Creating the EU Competence Centre for Science Communication

The EU Competence Centre for Science Communication is led by the COALESCE consortium, which is funded by the European Commission for an initial period of four years. The Competence Centre itself is virtual in nature, made up of national and regional hubs in countries across Europe, which serve as the venues for its activities and trainings. The…

Transforming Evidence for Policy and Practice

Transforming Evidence is an multidisciplinary, cross-sectoral, international community. We aim to connect individuals and organisations who generate, share and use evidence. Our community members include academics, policymakers, practitioners and funders, as well as journalists, think tanks and intermediaries. What do we do? We bring together a community of expertise around evidence production, sharing and use….

The World Health Organization’s Evidence-informed Policy Network (‎EVIPNet)‎

A global network for evidence-informed health policy-making ​The Evidence-informed Policy Network (EVIPNet) is a global initiative embracing cutting-edge approaches to knowledge translation for better health policy-making. ​ EVIPNet supports countries in leveraging the best available, actionable evidence to deliver high-quality and effective healthcare policies and sustainably strengthen national health systems. ​

World Health Organisation

WHO leads global efforts to expand universal health coverage. We direct and coordinate the world’s response to health emergencies. And we promote healthier lives – from pregnancy care through old age. Our Triple Billion targets outline an ambitious plan for the world to achieve good health for all using science-based policies and programmes.

The European Strategy and Policy Analysis System – ESPAS

The European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS) is an inter-institutional EU process promoting foresight and anticipatory governance. It brings together nine EU institutions and bodies who are committed to thinking longer term about the challenges and opportunities facing Europe and, through foresight, to support policy-makers to make the right policy choices.

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