Skills for the European Open Science Commons (Skills4EOSC)

Skills4EOSC ‘Skills for the European Open Science commons: creating a training ecosystem for Open and FAIR science’ is funded by the European Commission Horizon Europe programme (GA 101058527). Coordinated by Consortium GARR and supported by 44 partners in 18 European countries, Skills4EOSC will set up a pan-European network of competence centres to speed up the…

Engaging with Evidence Toolkit – NESTA

This is a toolkit on how to utilise, synthesise, scrutinise, and engage with evidence and expertise for policy development. This toolkit was created by Nesta in partnership with the Capabilities in Academic Policy Engagement (CAPE) programme and the Chief Scientific Adviser’s (CSA) Office at the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC). It will help you to understand…

Approaches to Developing Capacity for the use of Evidence in Policy Making – INASP VakaYiko 2016

Around the world, we are seeing increases in domestic and international investment, recognition in the SDGs of the importance of research and information for sustainable development at a global level, and governments increasingly valuing local research expertise to inform national development. In all four of VakaYiko’s core countries (Ghana, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe) there…

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