CARBONERIA – Competing technology-based economic proposals with multiple stakeholders – INGSA Case Study

The carbon rich product known as ‘bio-char’ is produced by burning organic matter (e.g. farming or forestry by-product biomass) at a high temperature in an oxygen-controlled environment in a process that also produces pyrolysis (gasification). Indeed, it is similar to the process of making charcoal, which ist hen tilled into the soil. This technique has…

TANGERIA – Gene-editing and the Climate Response: Science, Values and Politics – INGSA Case Study

The National Agricultural Research Institute of Tangeria (NARIT) wishes to test the new varieties of super-maize and pasture grass produced by gene-editing. The institute has been promised strong financial support from TAACI who are prepared to meet 75% of the development costs. There is also interest from UN organisations that are promoting better responses to…

INNOVANDIA – Smart City Networks and AI for Solving Societal Problems with discussion notes – INGSA Case Study

Innovandia’s biggest city, Esterbridge, is both the financial centre and the centre of innovation. The largest science innovation park, housing numerous start-ups and several multional companies, is based there around a National AI Research Institute. This innovation dynamic has spurred a lucrative market for technology and telecommunications companies (both local and multinationals) for developing digital…

SARATERRA – Cybersecurity in the age of the quantum computer – INGSA Case Study

In today’s age of information, many of our most precious assets—finances, medical records and, to a large extent, identity—are protected by complex cryptography “keys”. Current (or classical) cybersecurity is reliable because the encryption key used for an online transmission is based on mathematical problems that are extremely difficult to solve, even for the most powerful…

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