INGSA-Africa – Science Advice Skills Development Programme (SASDP) – Report

The theme of the SASDP was Climate Change in Africa, focusing on areas of Health, Water, Energy and Food Security. INGSA-Africa launched the Call for Mentees in June 2022 and invited relevant organizations (recognized academic or research institutions; Academies of Science) in Africa, which are engaged in science advice, to nominate qualified staff as mentees under its Science Advice Skills Development Program (SASDP). More than 30 applications were received from a range of African organisations. Call for mentors were launched simultaneously inviting experienced professionals, policy-active scientists/researchers/policy makers, preferably in a field connected to climate change with the capacity to provide voluntarily one-to-one mentorship to mid-career African scientists interested in learning about, and contributing to, science advice.

Ten mid-career scientists and researchers from 8 African countries were selected for participation in the mentorship program. Expertise, common interests and language of communication were considered when determining the pairing of mentor-mentees. Mentees were paired with 10 mentors from 8 different countries, from continental, regional or national agencies.

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File Size: 632 KB
Categories: Workshop Reports
Tags: 2022, Africa, Climate Change, Mentorship, SASDP, Sustainability
Author: INGSA-Africa