Science Advice Ecosystems in France, Portugal and Greece – Joint Research Centre Reports

During September 2022, the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) has published the three external expert reports that assess the science-for-policy ecosystems of France, Greece, and Portugal in their local language, after having been published some of them in English a few months ago.

Modelling for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Overview of JRC models

Abstract: Evaluating the potential impacts of each policy on all sustainability dimensions (economic, social and environmental), as captured in the UN SDGs and their targets, requires system thinking and shifting away from single disciplinary projects towards multi- and inter- disciplinary approaches that recognize complexities and acknowledge uncertainties. Modelling is an essential tool to increase the…

Interlinkages and policy coherence for the Sustainable Development Goals implementation: An operational method to identify trade-offs and co-benefits in a systemic way

Abstract:The broad scope and complexity of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) constitute a new challenge for policy. The identification of effective implementation strategies would need to be supported by coordinated policies that take into account the multiple relationships existing between the different dimensions of sustainability. This report proposes an original method to identify and deal…

Broadening the scope of science advice: Engaging knowledge-creators beyond the academy – Workshop Report

Report based on the Global Young Academy – Joint Research Centre – International Network for Government Science Advice workshop ‘Broadening the scope of science advice: Best practices for engaging knowledge‐creators beyond the academy’ on 28 September 2016 in Brussels, Belgium. The workshop was generously supported by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre and the International…

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