The INGSA Conferences
In 2014, the then-International Council for Science (ICSU) and New Zealand’s Chief Science Advisor, Professor Sir Peter Gluckman, jointly convened the landmark Science Advice to Government conference in Auckland. This was first major global summit of leading practitioners of high-level science advice to governments. The result was the foundation of INGSA.
INGSA’s international conferences are flagship events, providing practitioners and thought-leaders from all countries and all systems to share best practice, form international connections, and help set the standards and aspirations for the field. Explore the past conferences to find cutting-edge content on science advice and science diplomacy.
If your government or organisation would like to support the upcoming INGSA2024 conference in Kigali, please contact the INGSA Secretariat.
Conference Quicklinks:
INGSA2024 – Kigali, Rwanda

INGSA2021 – Montréal, Canada

Viewpoints – The state-of-play in Science Advice
In 2021 INGSA hosted its largest global conference – a unique meeting point of evidence-to-policy leaders. Viewpoints is a collection of concise and compelling thinkpieces from many of the speakers and partners at the conference.
This is a critical stocktake of where science advice is now and where it needs to go from here. Now available in English and French
2020 INGSA Week of Dialogue – Online Mini-Conference

INGSA 2018 – Tokyo

INGSA 2016 – Brussels

INGSA 2014 – Auckland