INGSA2016 – Science and Policy-Making: Towards a New Dialogue
Brussels, Belgium
29 – 30 September 2016
The second international conference of science advice to governments was hosted by INGSA in collaboration with the European Commission. Around 430 users, practitioners, and scholars of science advice from more than 70 countries participated in the event showing the international interest in the discussed topics.
Carlos Moedas, European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, and Commissioner Navracsics, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport opened the conference by setting out the challenges facing the users and providers of science advice.
While Commissioner Moedas underlined that science advisors must explain the evidence base, Commissioner Navracsics emphasised the role that science advisors have not only in providing possible solutions but also in the identification of the problem in the first place.
Henrik Wegener, the Chair of the High-Level Group of the European Commission’s Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM) presented SAM as an example of a transnational science advice structure.
Seeking to improve the interface between science advice and policy-making, participants discussed common principles and best practices in different contexts ranging from emergency situations to longer-term advice. The global challenges of climate change, migration and health issues served as concrete examples for analysing what works and does not work in science advice to policy making.
The outcome will fuel the process for the identification of universal principles for science advice worldwide to be presented at the World Science Forum 2017. A big thank you to all speakers and participants for their contributions as well as for their positive feedback!