INGSA2024 – The Transformation Imperative

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Kigali, Rwanda
1st May – 3rd May 2024

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5th International Conference on Science Advice to Governments

300 in-person attendees from 65 countries  | 120 Speakers across 22 sessions | Celebrating 10 years of INGSA | The first INGSA conference in the Global South

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INGSA2024 – Day 1 Sessions – 1st May

2024 marks 10 years of INGSA! The Opening Plenary of the conference frames the key themes of the conference against INGSA’s past and future work across our Regional Chapters and Thematic Communities of Practice. Find out what’s next for INGSA’s global network…

As global communities are now compelled to address large-scale transformations in our socio-ecological and socio-technical systems, how we frame issues, and therefore the remit of science advising, is evolving. Beyond simply technical diagnoses or solutions to discrete policy problems, we need the knowledge and know-how for broader and more complex transformative approaches. How will this new imperative change the principles and practices of science advice?

  • Terrence Forrester, Chief Scientist, University of the West Indies Solutions for Developing Countries (UWI SODECO)
  • Eva Liliane Ujeneza, Co-Chair, Rwanda Young Academy of Science
  • Charlotte Watts, Chief Scientific Adviser and Director for Research and Evidence
  • Soledad Quiroz Valenzuela, Vice-President (Policy) at INGSA
  • Andrea Hinwood, Chief Scientist, UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
  • Macharia Kamau, Ambassador and Special Envoy of the East Africa Community Facilitator on DRC, – Kenya

Day 1 of the 5th International Conference on Science Advice to Governments welcomes two leading Rwandans into a High Level Discussion on many of the dynamics and tensions at play in science advice, from their perspectives as emerging and established leaders in their fields.


  • Romain Murenzi, Professor of Physics, Worcester Polytechnic Institute and former Executive Director of The World Academy of Sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries (TWAS) – Rwanda/USA
  • Adeline Cyuzuzo, Environmentalist and Coordinator of Storytelling Working Group, Loss and Damage Youth Coalition – Rwanda
  • Moderation: Kristiann Allen, Executive Secretary of INGSA

The goal of this session is to present the significance of implementing a science diplomacy strategy for nurturing a thriving science and technology ecosystem in emerging global cities. Our primary aim is to promote city-led science diplomacy through evidence-based policies, enabling cities to unlock collaborative opportunities and position themselves as key players in the global arena.

  • Alexis Roig, CEO, SciTech DiploHub – Spain
  • Alice Higiro, Project Director for Smart Cities, Ministry of ICT and Innovation – Rwanda
  • Esteban Leon, Head of the City Resilience Global Programme, UN Habitat – Spain
  • Jackie Kado, Executive Director,Network of African Science Academies (NASAC) – Kenya
  • Anthony Vanky, Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning + Preservation (GSAPP), Columbia University – USA

UPDATE: “Recently INGSA was made aware of false information that was disseminated during our 2024 global conference in Kigali, by Mr Alexis Roig.  Without INGSA’s prior knowledge, Mr Roig  used the platform of his conference session to announce a new Science Diplomacy Training Centre for Africa, to be based in Kigali.  The announcement mentioned the endorsement and support of reputable people and organisations, but we have since learned that no such support existed. 

While we believe that evidence-informed, and socially just sustainable transitions need energetic start-up activity, such work must be broadly recognised as credible, relevant, and legitimate. INGSA deeply regrets that our platform was used in this an unexpected and unacceptable way. We are especially concerned for the reputations of experts and organisations that were directly or indirectly implicated in the Training Centre announcement. 

As INGSA2024 conference recordings are freely available on our website, recordings of Mr Roig’s panel will now include a statement to acknowledge this newly emerging information.  As with all our conference recordings, content is attributable directly to individual speakers and does not necessarily represent the views of INGSA.”

A new generation of AI-based tools could present an opportunity in the near-future to dramatically improve science advice, making it more agile, rigorous and targeted. In the future, new AI-based platforms should be able to make evidence syntheses less time-intensive and free subject matter experts to focus on more complex analytical aspects of the process. But leveraging such tools for good will require science advisers and policy institutions to create guidelines and carefully consider the design and responsible use of the nascent technology.

In this session, the panel members will present a series of proposals for how to harness responsible AI to support government science advice and then invite session participants to share their perspectives and participate in developing the framework

  • Chris Tyler, Associate Professor in Science Policy and Knowledge Infrastructure, Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP), UCL – UK
  • Rhona Mijumbi, Co-Director, The Center for Rapid Evidence Synthesis (ACRES); Africa Evidence Network – Uganda
  • David Budtz Pedersen, Professor, Department of Communication & Psychology, Aalborg University – Denmark
  • Ronald Munatsi, Executive Director, Zimbabwe Evidence Informed Policy Network – Zimbabwe

In addition to disbursing funds, key national organisations such as granting councils and innovation agencies play an increasingly large role as advisors and advocates for effective and impactful national science, technology and innovation (STI) systems.

  • Naser Faruqui, Director of Education and Science, International Development Research Centre – Canada
  • Charlotte Watts, Chief Scientific Adviser and Director for Research and Evidence, UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office – UK
  • Esperance Munganyinka, Head of Department of National Research and Innovation Fund, National Council for Science and Technology – Rwanda
  • Yaya Sangare, Secrétaire Général, du Fonds pour la Science, la Technologie et l’Innovation (FONSTI) – Ivory Coast
  • Salvatore Arico, CEO, International Science Council
  • Gift Kadzamira, Director General, National Council of Science and Technology – Malawi

Researchers are mostly praised for their skills in generating knowledge, often evaluated through metrics like the number of publications or prizes. This definition of excellence is restrictive, not recognising the role of scientists in science advice and communication. Turning knowledge into evidence and evidence into advice requires another set of skills. Hence, the required competencies for science advice go far beyond the “excellence” criteria currently required by funding agencies, stakeholders, or universities, and on which successful research careers are built.

  • Maria Esteli Jarquin, International Relations Coordinator, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) – Costa Rica
  • Edmond Sanganyado, A/Prof, Northumbria University & Global Young Academy – UK
  • Rémi Quirion, Québec Chief Scientist, Fonds de recherche du Québec and President of INGSA – Canada
  • Rini Astuti, Research Fellow, UNESCO Chair on Science Communications for the Public Good – Indonesia
  • Menico Rizzi, Steering Committee Member, Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment – Italy
  • Marie-Violaine Dubé-Ponte,  Marie-Violaine D. Ponte, Member of the Chief Scientist of Québec’s Intersectoral Student Committee, Université Laval – Canada

Many countries or groups of countries are currently reflecting about the development of national or regional science diplomacy agendas, frameworks and strategies. However, these processes largely occur in isolation, mostly driven by the respective foreign policy imperatives. As a consequence, the potential of science diplomacy as a soft power is not fully harnessed, while being more needed than ever in the current geopolitical context.

  • Patricia Gruber, Science & Technology Advisor to the Secretary of State, US State Department – USA
  • Jan Marco Müller, Coordinator for Science Diplomacy and Multilateral Relations, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission – Belgium
  • Chagun Basha, Chief Policy Advisor, Office of the Principal Scientific Advisor – India
  • Daan du Toit, Deputy Director General, South African Department of Science and Innovation – South Africa
  • Motoko Kotani, Science and Technology Co-Advisor to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan – Japan
  • Alexandros Makarigakis, Director and Representative a.i., UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa – Kenya
  • Carlos Matsumoto, Head of Office for International Affairs, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Brazil – Brazil

Science advice is essential to debate, scrutiny, and law-making in all legislatures, yet most legislatures are lacking dedicated science advisory systems.

This session will bring together the latest research on legislative science advice that incorporates the global (rather than just global north) perspectives, and practitioners who have grappled with the issues of providing science advice for legislatures in developing countries.

  • Chris Tyler, Associate Professor in Science Policy and Knowledge Infrastructure, Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP), UCL – UK
  • Ronald Munatsi, Executive Director, Zimbabwe Evidence Informed Policy Network – Zimbabwe
  • Denis Naughten, Chairperson, Working Group on Science and Technology, Inter-Parliamentary Union – Ireland
  • Soledad Quiroz Valenzuela, Vice President of Policy, INGSA – Chile
  • Henriette Canino, Science Advice Researcher, UCL

The session intends to discuss the idea of an African STI Leaders Forum which has emerged from consultations with key stakeholders in the African STI ecosystem. The proposed Forum is not a new institution, but an alliance of committed partners that will regularly convene and connect African STI system leaders across STI sectors. It is envisioned that such a strategic forum or alliance of committed partners could work together for a common purpose.

  • Farai Kapfudzaruwa, Research and Strategic Partnerships Manager at Future Africa, University of Pretoria – South Africa
  • Lise Korsten, President of the African Academy of Sciences, South Africa
  • Ahmed Bawa, Professor, Johannesburg Business School, University of Johannesburg – South Africa
  • Sameh Soror, INGSA-Africa Steering Committee Member & Helwan University – Egypt
  • Chomora Mikeka, Director of Science, Technology and Innovation, Ministry of Education – Malawi

INGSA2024 – Day 2 Sessions – 2nd May

Day 2 of INGSA2024 leads with a powerful and practical Plenary Address from WHO Chief Scientist, Sir Jeremy Farrar.

Also includes the Day 1 Summary from INGSA Vice-President (Capacity), Binyam Sisay Mendisu

The final session of INGSA2024 kicks off with a compelling Plenary Address from Prof Sujatha Raman, UNESCO Chair in Science Communication for the Public Good and Director of Research at the ANU Centre for the Public Awareness of Science (CPAS).

Day 2 will kick off with a look at what is meant by ‘expanded evidence’ to underpin societal transformations. From theory to practice, our esteemed panelists will share their thoughts and experiences about broadening the sources of evidence. Expanding evidence makes the practice more inclusive of knowledge traditions, disciplines and methodologies, of diverse populations, and of interacting policy sectors in formulating evidence for policy innovations.

We will explore the ‘how’, the ‘what’ and most importantly, the ‘why’ of expanded evidence in developing governmental science advice.”

  • Connie Nshemereirwe, Director of the Africa Science Leadership Programme, Future Africa – South Africa
  • Ann Gabriel, Senior Vice President Global Strategic Networks, Elsevier – USA
  • Jean-Pierre Karegeye, Chief of Section of Transdisciplinary Research, Organisation of Southern Cooperation (replacing Manssour Bin Mussallam, Secretary-General, Organisation of Southern Cooperation)
  • James Wilsdon, Professor of Research Policy, UCL/RORI – UK
  • Justine Nzweundji, Plant Biotechnologist, Institute of Medical Research and Medicinal Plants Studies – Cameroon
  • Tracey Brown, Director, Sense about Science – UK

The final Plenary Panel of the conference is worth the wait! It will gather up the key themes to consider (and anticipate) how the structures, cultures, and practices of science advisory ecosystems might adapt to address converging challenges at an increasing pace.

How do we coordinate and organise evidence-informed advice for systemic transformations? How do we make room for public values and diverse interests, without losing sight of, or trust in, evidence? How can we be sure we are seeking the appropriate evidence from multiple perspectives? What new roles, skills, competencies might be needed for an anticipatory, multi-level, multi-sectoral science advice for complex issues? How do we get there while maintaining public trust and legitimacy? Our esteemed panellists will bring thoughtful and fresh perspectives to the future of governmental science advice and the structure of science/policy/society interfaces.

  • Rémi Quirion, President, INGSA and Québec Chief Scientist – Canada
  • Lise Korsten, President, African Academy of Science – South Africa
  • Didas Kayihura Muganga, Vice-Chancellor, University of Rwanda – Rwanda
  • Geoff Mulgan, Professor of Collective Intelligence, Social Innovation and Public Policy, University College London – UK
  • Sonja Ochsenfeld-Repp, Head of Division “Research Culture”, German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft | DFG) – Germany
  • Shaheen Motala Timol – Chair of INGSA-Africa – Mauritius

Science is increasingly recognised as a cornerstone of multilateral decision-making. Yet in the multilateral system, the engagement with science remains very uneven, is often conflated with technology, and interface mechanisms are lacking to build a more robust and on-going dialogue between scientists, policy-makers and other stakeholders across the breadth of global issues on the multilateral agenda.

Recent developments, including in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, the re-establishment of the UN Secretary-General Scientific Advisory Board, the launch of the Group of Friends on Science for Action by Belgium, India and South Africa, and other initiatives to drive a more systematic, coordinated and inclusive approach to science in global policy provides an opportunity to look ahead and identify opportunities for transformation.

  • Andrea Hinwood, Chief Scientist, UN Environment Programme – Kenya
  • Peter Gluckman, President, International Science Council – New Zealand
  • Terrence Forrester, Chief Scientist, University of West Indies Solutions for Developing Countries (UWI SODECO)
  • Tanja Kuchenmüller, Unit Head, Evidence to Policy and Impact, Research for Health, Science Division, WHO – Switzerland
  • Motoko Kotani, S&T Co-Advisor to the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs – Japan

As policy issues become increasingly complex and interconnected and politics ever more polarised, robust institutions that ensure that scientific knowledge is mobilised, synthesised, translated, and integrated into the policy-making process become increasingly relevant. To inform and structure the debates about capacity-building in support of robust, interconnected science-for-policy advisory bodies, the notion of “ecosystems” of science for policy have gained significant momentum. Developing new mapping tools and evaluation frameworks for the institutional capacity of such ecosystems is high on the global agenda.

  • David Budtz Pedersen, Professor, Department of Communication & Psychology, Aalborg University – Denmark
  • Yasushi Sato, Professor of science and technology policy and science and technology studies, Niigata University – Japan
  • Selim Louafi, Deputy Director for Research and Strategy, CIRAD – France
  • Agnieszka Gadzina-Kolodziejska, Deputy Head of the Science for democracy and evidence-informed policymaking Unit, Joint Research Centre – Belgium
  • Precious Lukhele, South African Advisory Council on Innovation, Department of Science and Technology – South Africa        
  • Nadira Kunaweera, President National Academy of Sciences of Sri Lanka – Sri Lanka

As the challenges we face become more complex and interacting, we are more aware than ever of the limits of so-called ‘technical advice.’  Expanding the sources of evidence has emerged as one response to addressing the structural inequalities that can be perpetuated by conventional methodologies of evidence formulation.

At the same time, while broadening the sources and types of evidence can help to engender equity of outcomes for, and the trust of those not typically represented, some have raised concerns about quality of evidence according to established standards.

  • Mathieu Ouimet, Professor of Political Science and Directeur général du Réseau Francophone International en Conseil Scientifique – Canada
  • Cassidy Sugimoto, Tom and Marie Patton School Chair in the School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology – USA
  • Fadi El-Jardali, Director, WHO Collaborating Center for Evidence-Informed Policy and Practice – Lebanon
  • Dorothy Ngila, Director of Strategic Partnerships, The National Research Foundation of South Africa (NRF) – South Africa
  • Thema Monroe-White, Assistant Professor in the Department of Technology, Entrepreneurship, and Data Analytics, Berry College – USA
  • John Lavis, Director, McMaster Health Forum – Canada

The aim of this panel is to explore the implications of ambitious system-change thinking for the development of skills in science advice.

So how can the insights gained through long-standing skills initiatives be extended or modified to the system-change communication challenge? What are the difficulties with bringing matters of social inequity or the limits of conventional economic paradigms into forums where science advisors may be expected to stick to biophysical scientific evidence?

  • Petra Lundgren, Director, ISC Regional Focal Point for Asia and the Pacific – Australia
  • Sujatha Raman, UNESCO Chair in Science Communication for the Public Good, Australian National University – Australia
  • Jaakko Kuosmanen, Chief Coordinator, Sofi – Science Advice Initiative of Finland – Finland
  • Wee Hoe Tan, Chair, INGSA-Asia – Malaysia
  • Agha Rita Oluwadarasimi, Researcher, Australian National University Centre for the Public Awareness of Science – Nigeria
  • Indigo Strudwicke, Researcher, Australian National University Centre for the Public Awareness of Science – Australia

Tackling today’s challenges both imminent and emerging from the transformations in our socio-ecological and socio-technical systems is key yet remains reactive and responsive. The acceleration of scientific developments places additional needs on global governance, requiring better anticipatory tools, and ensuring the science community is embedded as a stakeholder in multilateralism.

  • Marga Gual Soler, Head of Science Diplomacy Capacity Building, Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator (GESDA) – Spain
  • Winnie Nakiyingy, Research and Academic Coordinator, AIMS Research and Innovation Centre – Uganda
  • Anne-Sophie Stevance, Head of Global Science Policy Unit, International Science Council – France
  • Mamokgheti Phakeng, GESDA Board Member, Host of the GESDA Youth & Anticipation Initiative – South Africa
  • Mubeen Goolam, Prof of Neuroscience, University of Cape Town
  • Romaric Odoulami, Researcher, African Climate & Development Initiative
  • Charity Wayua, Director of IBM Research Africa Labs – Kenya and South Africa
  • Nouf Alhameli – Science and Technology Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs – UAE

Is science advice enough?  Science advice is developed and conveyed in administrative systems that still tend to silo policy-making sectors even while trying to tackle the most complex and interacting challenges.  At the same time, national research and innovation systems are increasingly expected to direct new knowledge and technology at societal challenges, but may not be appropriately structured to do so.

As the nature of both knowledge creation and of policy-making evolve to respond to increasingly complex policy challenges, important questions emerge.

  • Laurent Bochereau, Science Counsellor to the African Union, European Commission – Ethiopia
  • Geoff Mulgan, Professor of Collective Intelligence, Social Innovation and Public Policy, University College London – UK
  • Louis Sibomana, Head of the Science, Technology Development and Outreach, National Council of Science and Technology – Rwanda
  • Liliana Pasecinic, Deputy Head of Unit, Joint Research Centre – Belgium
  • Jackie Kado, Executive Director,Network of African Science Academies (NASAC) – Kenya
  • Remya Haridasan, Scientist, Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India

We are currently in the heart of a great technological revolution which is evolving fast in all fields, including AI, quantum computing and astronomy. The private sector, with large resources, is developing at an unprecedented paste the next generation of disruptive technologies. In parallel, states and organizations are still looking into how to approach this technological shift with a local perspective, with limited international inclusion and solidarity. There are huge opportunities for the leadership from the African continent and for African states to stay ahead in this transition in supporting and promoting its experts and research centers and developing policies adapted to the Countries and continent’s realities.

  • Eugene Mutimura, Executive Secretary National Council for Science and Technology – Rwanda
  • Kevin Govender, Director, International Astronomical Union (IAU) Office of Astronomy for Development – South Africa
  • Prince Koree Osei, Centre President AIMS Ghana and Lead Scientist and Director of Quantum Leap Africa (QLA) – Ghana
  • Chomora Mikeka, Director of STI, Ministry of Education – Malawi
  • Nevine Makram, Director of Social and Cultural Planning Center and Head of the Digital Transformation Committee – Egypt

As jurisdictions recognise the benefit of science advice for policy, and as researchers seek to demonstrate public relevance in new ways, the demand to build capabilities in the practice of science advice has grown. This session will consider a variety of activities under the broad heading of ‘capability development,’ but rather than looking at specific implementation mechanics, it will instead consider the higher level rationales, approaches and frameworks that underpin capabilities development in science advice.

  • Binyam Sisay Mendisu, INGSA Vice-President (Capacity) & The Africa Institute Dubai – Ethiopia
  • Nataliia Sokolovska, Head of Research Programme: Knowledge & Society, The Humboldt Institute – Germany
  • Alma Cristal Hernández Mondragón, Researcher, CINVESTAV – Mexico
  • Shaheen Motala Timol, Academic and Quality Enhancement Manager, Middlesex University – Mauritius
  • Ian Wiggins, Director of International Affairs, The Royal Society – UK
  • Kristiann Allen, Executive Secretary, INGSA – New Zealand

INGSA2024 – Satellite and Side Events

The Global Development Awards Competition is an innovative award scheme administered by the Global Development Network, funded under the Policy and Human Resources Development Fund trust fund managed by the World Bank, and generously supported by the Ministry of Finance, Government of Japan.

For more information about these awards see:

At INGSA2024, GDN is excited to be announcing the winners of the:

  • 2023 Japanese Award for Outstanding Research on Development Award
  • 2023 Japanese Award for Most Innovative Development Project.

A joint satellite session from Frontiers Research Foundation and the African Academy of Sciences at the #INGSA2024 Conference in Kigali Rwanda. Featuring: –

  • Prof Lise Korsten, President of the African Academy of Sciences
  • Prof Remi Quirion, President of INGSA and Chief Scientist of Québec
  • Dr Andrea Hinwood, Chief Scientist, UN Environment Programme
  • Dr Eugene Mutimura, Executive Secretary National Council for Science and Technology, Rwanda
  • Mr Daan du Toit, Acting Director General, South African Department of Science and Innovation – South Africa

Organisers: The Royal Society, GESDA, AAAS, European Commission.

Science diplomacy, as a defined concept, approaches its 15th anniversary marked by the seminal AAAS and Royal Society paper “New frontiers in Science Diplomacy.” This field has rapidly expanded, gaining traction within international scientific and diplomatic communities, and spawning an array of national, regional, and global high-profile initiatives, including conferences, training programs, university courses, and the adoption of national science diplomacy strategies by some countries. These developments underscore the broad recognition and application of science diplomacy by scientific leaders and diplomats alike.

However, the frameworks guiding science diplomacy often mirror the period of their creation, and thus, may not fully align with today’s rapidly changing world, marked by political polarization, fragmentation, and growing concerns over research security and the openness of the global science system. Additionally, the advent of disruptive technologies like artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and mRNA vaccines has heightened the geopolitical importance of research and innovation and underscored the need for better anticipatory and multilateral approaches to the governance of frontier science

These gaps highlight the need for an evolved understanding of science diplomacy, one that incorporates new criteria and frameworks responsive to current and future challenges, and one that is developed with diverse input, including views from low- and middle-income countries that play an increasing role in the global science diplomacy discourse. This session aims to foster an interactive discussion among scholars and practitioners on how the core concepts of science diplomacy can and should evolve to address pressing global issues effectively.

Organisers: Organisation of Southern Cooperation.

The event aims to explore the integration of endogenous knowledge systems into scientific research, policy development, and decision-making. It seeks to foster an understanding of the value of transdisciplinarity in harnessing diverse knowledge sources for the benefit of science, policy, and humanity.

Moreover, the panel will encourage dialogue on best practices, challenges, and opportunities in building bridges between academic and non-academic knowledge domains. This session will enlighten a deeper understanding of the transformative power of transdisciplinary research, promoting the integration of endogenous knowledge into science advice, policy-making, and societal transformation.

For more information:

Organisers: Pandemic Sciences Institute (PSI), University of Oxford and Science for Africa (SFA) Foundation

The COVID-19 pandemic revealed critical gaps in many country’s health systems and underscored challenges with the current global health architecture in terms of collaboration and use of evidence for decision-making. In addition to weak health systems, delayed access to lifesaving commodities such as vaccines and personal protective equipment (PPE) affected many African countries’ national response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

While grappling with access to lifesaving commodities, African governments also had to make difficult choices of adopting lockdown measures despite not having robust social policy programs to cater to the needs of the population, especially those living on a daily wage.

With the benefit of hindsight, what have we learned from the COVID-19 response in Africa? Given that the next pandemic is a matter of “when” and not “if”, what practical steps can African governments at national and continental levels take to better prepare for evidence-informed decision-making during the next pandemic? How can Africa’s pandemic-related researchers, scientists, and innovators be better supported to interact with governments and translate their research into policy and practice? These and other similar questions will be answered during the panel discussion at this Satellite event during INGSA 2024.

Organisers: GESDA, AIMS, INGSA

Large-scale quantum computing has been achieved, but the costs of running these systems are still too high for general commercial use. Quantum computers are capable of processing orders of magnitude more data, more quickly than conventional computers, making them suited for complex, computationally expensive tasks. Several nation states have quantum computer systems operated by research institutions, but the technology is still inaccessible for most. An international crisis is building, which will have tremendous consequences for the planet.

Step into a unique, interactive role-playing science diplomacy training, where you get to explore the complexities and trade-offs at the cutting edge of disruptive technology. Brought to you by GESDA, INGSA and AIMS you find yourself invited to an International Symposium on Quantum Computing for the Common Good – the choices you make here will change the world. What are the opportunities, risks, and what might be the unforeseen consequences of quantum technologies?

INGSA2024 – 300 people from 65 countries discussing the future of evidence-to-policy

The relationships between knowledge, policy, and society is shifting faster than ever before. INGSA2024 crackled with ideas and energy, bringing together experts, practitioners, academics, students, and change-makers around 3 key themes:


Large-scale transformations in our socio-ecological and socio-technical systems are now required to meet the complex global challenges we face. Knowledge and its use will underpin how successful system change is.

Expanded Evidence

Complex problems require us to transcend conventional definitions of evidence and expand our sources of knowledge across cultures, languages, demographies, geographies, ideologies, epistemic traditions, & geopolitical alliances.


The world is experiencing a crisis of trust. Diverse audiences must be included in the processes that affect them for social cohesion to be (re)built and maintained. Only together can we find common purpose and evolve our knowledge systems.

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