
INGSA-LAC at Foro CILAC 2021 – Español

See the Event Website!https://bit.ly/3jHm0CJ 

Watch all the sessions on Youtube: INGSA-LAC Foro CILAC2021 Playlist

More Info: See the Agenda for INGSA-LAC at Foro CILAC2021

The INGSA Regional Chapter for Latin America and the Caribbean (INGSA-LAC) organised an extensive program of activities as part of CILAC 2021, aimed at disseminating INGSA’s efforts in government scientific advice and science diplomacy.

CILAC is considered the most relevant science, technology and innovation hub in the Latin American and Caribbean region. It is a platform to discuss effective policies to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda. The 2021 edition was held virtually, with a main agenda and activities of the most representative organizations of the scientific and technological sector of the region.

Thanks to the effort of INGA-LAC Steering Committee members, CILAC 2021 was a great opportunity to debate, plan and monitor the role of science in the new context of COVID-19. For this event we had the participation of top representatives of our network and Latin American representatives committed to the lines of work of INGSA. In total we brought together 36 experts from 13 countries and 3 continents.

From April 26 to 28, INGSA-LAC secured several activities in CILAC’s main program. Implementing this agenda of activities and extending its scope required an intense dissemination activity by all available means, taking advantage of the impact of the campaign that CILAC’s own organization was carrying out on its own.  With its own means, INGSA-LAC managed to produce promotional audio-visual content, a website, and all the architecture necessary for the live transmission of the programmed panels. Watch all of the panels below:

Revolución digital y Objetivos del Desarrollo Sustentable: el papel de la diplomacia científica. [42min]

The digital revolution and the goals of Sustainable Development: the role of science diplomacy.

Moderation: Dr. Alma Cristal Hernández Mondragón, Steering Committee INGSA LAC – Coordinator of The Science-Politics Interface Program of Mexico.
Speakers: Dr. Jan Marco Müller -Advisor of Science and Technology European Commission, André C. Ponce de León Ferreira de Carvalho – Steering Committee INGSA LAC.

Asesoramiento científico para una nueva década: crisis y recuperación [33 min]

Scientific advice for a new decade crisis and recovery.

Moderation: Dr. Soledad Quiroz – Steering Committee INGSA LAC.
Speakers: Prof. Sir Peter Gluckman -Chair INGSA, comments by Carlos Abeledo Ph.D. -Chair INGSA LAC

Asesoramiento Científico: de la Academia al Gobierno, estancias de Interfaz Ciencia-Política [1h45]

Scientific Advice: from the Academy to the Government. Science-Politics Interface in Mexico City.

Moderation: Dr. Alma Cristal Hernández Mondragón – Steering Committee INGSA LAC
Speakers: Dr. Vicente Morales (Science-Politics Interface Program -C of Mexico), Dr. Mónica Jiménez Córdova (Science-Politics Interface Program – Mexico City), Dr. Daniel Jiménez Álvarez (Science-Politics
Interface Program -of Mexico City).

Diplomacia Científica: herramienta indispensable en elapoyo a los ODS en la región. [2h15]

Science Diplomacy: an indispensable tool in support of the Sustainable Development Goals in the region

Moderation: MSc. María Estelí Jarquín – Univ. Costa Rica, Dr. Elizabeth Silvestre – Director INCLIMA
Speakers: Dr. Marino Protti Quesada – National Univ. of Costa Rica, Dr. Paulo Artaxo – Professor of the Institute of Physics Sao Paulo University, Dr. Franklin Carrero Martínez – NASEM, Dr. Ana María Hernández Salgar – IPBES

Importancia del uso de la información digital sobre secuencias genéticas de los recursos genéticos. [2h00]

Implications and importance of the use of digital information on genetic sequences of genetic resources.

Moderation: Dr. Alejandro Cappadoro Steering Committee INGSA LAC.
Speakers: Dr. Patricia Gadaleta – Steering Committee INGSA LAC, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Argentina; Dr. Micaela Bonafina Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development.

Interacción ciencia/política/sociedad para la adecuada gestión de los recursos hídricos. [1h20]

Importance of the interaction of science, politics and society for the proper management of water resources.

Moderation: Dr. Suher Carolina Yabroudi -Steering Committee INGSA LAC – director of the Water Research Centre of the University of Zulia, Venezuela.
Speakers: Dr. Elizabeth Silvestre, director INCLIMA; Dr. Margot Mena Young – University of Costa Rica, Dr. Lenin Herrera -Professor Emeritus of the University of Zulia.

Asesoramiento Científico en América Latina: Ensayos ganadores el concurso INGSA LAC 2020 [3h26]

Scientific Advice in Latin America: Winning Essays of 2020.

Moderation: Dr. Soledad Quiroz & Dr. André Ponce Leon Ferreira de Carvalho &Dr. Alejandro Cappadoro -Steering Committee INGSA LAC.
Speakers: Dr. Aline Villarreal; Dr. Arnoldo Ventura; Dr. Beatriz Sánchez Monroy; Prof. Catalina Zamora Fonck; Lic. Claudio Pérez Méndez; Lic. Julia Borba Gonçalves; Dr. Kleinsy Bonilla; Lic. Leandro Echt; Dr. Vicente Morales