Science Advice Capacity Building Symposium – Colombia, August 2019

The Latin America and Caribbean Chapter of INGSA, and the Colombian Academy of Physical, Exact and Natural Science held a Science Advice Capacity Building Symposium and Workshop in Bogotá, Colombia on August 22nd and 23rd, 2019.
The event attracted the participation of 70 attendees. 43 people participated the second day in the case studies session, that used hypothetical cases to involve the assistants in situations in which they must simulate scientific advice to government or the participation in an international meeting where scientific diplomacy is fundamental for success of its purposes.
The workshop included participants from the Presidency of the Republic, the Colombian Congress, Ministries, executive level entities, academics and researchers from public and private universities, and national and international research centres, as well as members of the Academy of Sciences of Colombia and of the Mission of Sages (group of national and international experts whose objective is to contribute to the construction and implementation of the public policy of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation of Colombia)
Please read the full Workshop Report here.
You can also access the workshop presentations below:
- Dr. Jan Marco Müller, IIASA – ¿Patria Boba o Patria Pila? El valor de tener un sistema de asesoramiento científico
- Dr Sarah Foxen, UK POST – Estableciendo Sistemas de Asesoramiento en Ciencia y Tecnología a los Parlamentos
- Prof Elizabeth Hodson de Jaramillo, Pontifica Universidad Javeriana – El desafío de la Agenda 2030 para la política de ciencia, tecnología e innovación
- Dr. Jan Marco Müller, IIASA – La contribución de las ciencias humanas al asesoramiento científico
- Prof Carlos Abeledo, Chair of INGSA-LAC – Conclusiones primer dia de taller
The workshop formed part of a series of advisory and support events for INGSA in Colombia as they prepare for the creation of their new Ministry of Science and Technology.
On July 26th, the Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences received Peter Gluckman, President of the International Government Scientific Advisory Network (INGSA) and representatives of Colciencias, the National Planning Department and members of the Mission of Sages, to provide elements of discussion within the framework of the creation of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the importance of establishing committees or mechanisms of scientific advice. You can see the press release following the meeting here (in Spanish).
The objective of this series of meetings is to promote government scientific advice and scientific diplomacy, sharing models from other countries that have promoted science.