INGSA-Asia Grassroots Workshops 2021 – Indonesia and India, 2021
From October to December 2021, the winners of INGSA-Asia’s Grassroots Science Advice Promotion Awards 2021 have successfully organized 3 Grassroots Workshops in India and Indonesia, delving into the topics of cultivating livelihood through sustainable farming, disaster planning and management, as well as participatory science advice in policymaking through open science.
INGSA-Asia would like to congratulate the winners for their efforts in promoting science advice at a grassroots level and express our gratitude to the Steering Committee Advisors for their mentorship and support. We hope to facilitate more of such initiatives in the region in the future to foster the culture of science advice.
Grassroots Workshop: Received seed funding from INGSA-Asia to run a science advice workshop in their organisation.
Grassroots Workshop: Science Advice by Practice: Communicating Agroforestry Business Plan of Forest Farmer Groups to the Village Authority in Parungpanjang, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Organisers: Ms Desmiwati, Mr Thomas Oni Veriasa & Ms Wahyu Adiningtyas (Indonesia)
Click here to read the full workshop report.

Grassroots Workshop: Linking Science and Policy into Planning for Existing and Evolving Risks of COVID, Climate Change and Disasters: Identifying Challenges and Opportunities
Organisers: Dr Shabana Khan (India)
Click here to read the full workshop report.

Grassroots Workshop: The Role of Science Advice in Incorporating Open Science Framework as one of Indian STI Policy Priorities
Organisers: Dr Jenice Jean Goveas & Dr Moumita Koley (India)
Click here to read the full workshop report.