Grassroots Workshop – Energy Security in Malaysia: The past, present, and way forward – Malaysia 2019

On 14th November 2019, Higher Institution Centre of Excellence (HICoE) Centre of Biofuel and Biochemical Research and Governance and Public Policy Research Group, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS hosted a workshop themed ‘Energy Security in Malaysia: The Past, Present, and Way Forward’ at the Centre for Advanced and Professional Education (CAPE) Kuala Lumpur. This workshop was organized in collaboration with the International Network for Government Science Advice (INGSA-ASIA), as part of the INGSA-Asia Grassroots Science Advice Promotion Awards. The focus of this workshop was to discuss the current scenario and challenges related to renewable energy as well as energy security and efficiency.
The workshop was attended by various stakeholders including the government agencies, energy providers, academicians and researchers from various institutions, among others. The workshop started with the welcoming speech by Professor Ts. Dr Mohamed Ibrahim bin Abdul Mutalib, the vice chancellor of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS followed by officiating speech by Professor Dr. Abhi Veerakumarasivam, Chair of INGSA-ASIA. During his presentation, background of INGSA as well as the previous and incoming activities was shared with the participants. It was then followed by plenary speeches by the high profile speakers.
The second part of the workshop included the group discussion (where participants were divided into two groups); deliberating on the (i) barrier/challenge for successful implementation of the renewable energy in Malaysia, as well as (ii) route to enhance energy security and efficiency. To conclude, closing presentation was delivered by the workshop Chair, Professor Ir. Dr. Suzana Yusup.
The detailed report with pictures can be found here.
Grassroots Workshop: Received seed funding from INGSA-Asia to run a science advice workshop in their organisation.