Grassroots Workshop – Young Scientists Network-Academy of Sciences Malaysia Workshop – Malaysia, November 2022
A science diplomacy training program for the members and affiliates of the Young Scientists Network-Academy of Sciences Malaysia (YSN-ASM) was held on 1 November 2022, at the ASM Kuala Lumpur office. The workshop was conducted by Grassroots Science Advice Promotion Awards 2022 winners, Dr. Mohd Firdaus Abdul Wahab and Ts. Dr. Aslina Baharum with mentorship by our Steering Committee member, Dr Orakanoke Phanraksa. Targeting the younger scientific community in Malaysia, this program was aimed at exposing the YSN-ASM members and affiliates to global and regional movements in science diplomacy, their relevance and importance, and the way forward. The program was kindly supported by ASM, the American Chemical Society (ACS) Malaysia Chapter and the International Network for Governmental Science Advice Asia Chapter (INGSA-Asia).
Distinguished speakers and experts on science diplomacy were invited to deliver virtual and on-site talks, such as from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), UNESCO-TWAS, the AAAS, and the TWAS Young Affiliates Network (TYAN). In addition, the program also featured a representative from the ASEAN Secretariat, a Philippine Foreign Service diplomat, and a Malaysian researcher working on transboundary issues. A discussion session was held at the end to brainstorm the next steps to embark to sustain the science diplomacy traction that has been built. Ultimately, the program is hoped to spark interest and initiate the conversation on science diplomacy among the young scientists in Malaysia, and eventually in the Asia-Pacific region.