INGSA Workshop at One Health Infectious Diseases in Africa Symposium – South Africa 2019

INGSA hosted a capacity building workshop as part of the ONE HEALTH: A focus on Infectious Diseases in Africa Symposium that took place on the 27-18 May 2019 in Durban, South Africa.
The INGSA workshop include approximately 40 young graduates and African Scholars. INGSA-Africa Steering Committee member, Dr Renee Street gave a brief introduction about science advice, INGSA and INGSA-Africa.
Then she led them through the INGSA Case Study, Panderia. The participants were divided into groups and each group was assigned to discuss one of the stakeholders and represent their arguments in the role pay. The participants were very engaged and enthusiastic.
There was a 30- minute discussion afterwards with many individuals wanting to share their experiences. The feedback from the session was very positive.