Dr Claire Craig
INGSA Vice-President (Evidence)
Claire is currently the Provost at Queen’s College Oxford. Previously, she was the director of Science Policy at the Royal Society, and also led the Government Office for Science that supported the Government’s Chief Scientific Advisor (GCSA), Sir Mark Walport.
She has been a long-time collaborator of INGSA’s and brings a wealth of diverse academic and practitioner experience to the role of Vice-President for Evidence.
As well as her Vice-Presidential roles, Claire is leading the development of the INCLUSIVE project, that is examining the role of language, culture, and context play in the production, provision, and reception of science advice.
Claire has written the following books: ‘How does government listen to scientists?’ and ‘Storylistening: Narrative, Evidence and Public Reasoning’.
You can watch a recent INGSA Horizons Interview with Dr Craig and her Storylistening co-author, Dr Sarah Dillon.