AMPLESIA: childhood obesity – science, economic interests and local knowledge – INGSA Case Study with Mentor Notes
Amplesia: Addressing childhood obesity between science, economic interests and local knowledge
Amplesia: Addressing childhood obesity between science, economic interests and local knowledge
INGSA Case Study: Midgaze: Rébellion armée et réinsertion sociale des ex-combattants
Gonswana: Insécurité alimentaire et nouvelles technologies – Francaise
KASSEMBLÉ: Intégration des techniques traditionnelles dans l’enseignement pour lutter contre le chômage et la pauvreté Francaise INGSA Case Study
Discussion Slides created to accompany Swamperia case study at the 2019 Ethiopian Workshop
Swamperia: Future technology in the fight against malaria
A staged, sufficiency-of-evidence case study.
Some Discussion slides that were created to accompany the Estrela case given at the 2019 Ethiopian Workshop.
Pulpinea – Pulpwood crisis: A potential trade-off between biodiversity & the economy
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