INGSA2024 Viewpoints Compendium

INGSA2024 Viewpoints is the companion publication to the Kigali conference, featuring many of the speakers from the meeting, providing additional insight and provocations on the key issues facing science advice and science diplomacy. The legacy document from the 5th International Conference on Science Advice to Governments, INGSA2024 – The Transformation Imperative: Expanded Evidence for Inclusive…

Comprendre l’essor de la diplomatie scientifique – The Conversation [FRENCH]

La complexité croissante des défis environnementaux (dérèglement climatique, transition écologique), sanitaires (pandémie inédite) et des changements sociétaux induits par l’évolution de technologies disruptives (intelligence artificielle, réalité augmentée) implique toujours plus la sphère scientifique dans la gouvernance internationale, en fournissant de l’expertise basée sur des preuves scientifiques pour instruire les décisions de politiques publiques. Lire l’intégralité de…

Science Diplomacy and Future Worlds – Colglazier 2018

Over the past decade, the use of scientific expertise to advance diplomacy has achieved a number of successes in furthering peace, security, and prosperity. Yet there have also been reversals in important areas that until recently had seen progress. Reviewing developments in arms control, poverty reduction, global health, science and innovation policy, climate change, sustainable…

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