
Inaugural INGSA-LAC Annual Meeting – ‘Where We Are And Where We Are Going’ – Colombia, May 2022 – Español

See the event website [Español]: https://ingsalac.wixsite.com/ingsalac-2022

See the event website [English]: https://ingsalac.wixsite.com/ingsalac-2022-en

On May 31, 2022, the INGSA Latin America and Caribbean Chapter held its first annual meeting on “Government Scientific Advice: Where we are and where we are going”. The objective was to learn and share advances in scientific advice to governments and legislative bodies, as well as to provide information on the current state of the art in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The event brought together more than 20 experts in Government Science Advice and Science Diplomacy from 12 Latin-American countries plus Canada and England, including the President of INGSA, Dr. Rémi Quirion, and the Vice President for Policy, Dr. Soledad Quiroz.

In the presence of more than 80 online attendees, the multidisciplinary meeting brought together scientists, government officials, and members of civil society in a day of conferences and debates on experiences of scientific advice in the region.

The event was organised in three sections centred on (i) the status of science advice in the region, (ii) legislative science advice, and (iii) practical examples of the experiences of science advice and science diplomacy to manage the challenges of climate change and biodiversity in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Presentations included:

  • an opening address from the President of INGSA, Prof. Rémi Quirion
  • Chris Tyler (University College London) delivered a lecture about his current research analysing legislative science advice in developed and developing countries.
  • Dr. Marcel Menna (former Chilean Minister of Environment) and Dr. Ana Maria Hernandez (President of IBPES) shared their experience about the evidence informed policies and science diplomacy in the international negotiations about climate change and biodiversity protection. 
  • Dr. Soledad Quiroz, INGSA Vice-President for Policy, gave closing remarks inviting participants to join INGSA if they are not members already and announced INGSA LAC second annual meeting in 2023
  • See the recordings of all the sessions below…

We invite those who are interested to attend our next annual meeting in 2023 and to join INGSA on our website www.ingsa.org/join to keep up to date with our activities throughout the year.

We share below the audiovisual record of the event.

Apertura del 1er Encuentro Anual INGSA LAC. Carlos Abeledo y Ernesto Fernández Polcuch [8min]

​​Introducción/Presentación INGSA

Speakers: Carlos Abeledo, Presidente INGSA LAC

Ernesto Fernández-Polcuch UNESCO (Oficina Montevideo)

INGSA y su rol en el asesoramiento Científico Gubernamental y Legislativo, Remi Quirion [23 min]

Conferencia Magistral: INGSA y su rol en el asesoramiento

Científico Gubernamental y Legislativo
Remi Quirion, Presidente INGSA

Panel: El estado del Asesoramiento Científico en América Latina. Reunión Anual INGSALAC 2022 [57min]

El estado del Asesoramiento Científico en América Latina

Patricia Gadaleta (Argentina), María Estelí Jarquín (Costa Rica), André Ponce de León (Brasil), Sebastián Escobar (Chile), Adriana Castaño (Colombia) 

Moderadora: Elizabeth Silvestre, Viceministra de Gestión Ambiental (Ministerio de Ambiente del Perú)

Cómo se da el Asesoramiento Científico al Parlamento a nivel global Chris Tyler, U College London [41min]

Cómo se da el Asesoramiento Científico al Parlamento a nivel Global

Chris Tyler, U College London

Reflexiones sobre el Asesoramiento Legislativo en America Latina – Encuentro Anual INGSALAC [1h]
Reflexiones sobre el Asesoramiento Legislativo en America Latina

Christine Weidenslaufer, Biblioteca del Congreso (Chile)
Juan de Dios Cincunegui, Jefe de Gabinete de la Secretaría de la Comisión de Relaciones Exteriores del Senado (Argentina)
Vicente Morales Salgado, Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Parlamentarios de la Cámara de Diputados (México)
Geraldo Leite, Director de Asesoría Legislativa y secretario ejecutivo del Centro de Estudios y Debates Estratégicos de la Cámara de Diputados (Brasil)​

Moderadora: Alma Cristal Hernández (México)

Asesoramiento y Diplomacia Científica en América Latina sobre cambio climático y biodiversidad. [1h30]
Panel: Aportando experiencias sobre Asesoramiento y Diplomacia – Científica en América Latina sobre cambio climático y biodiversidad

Marcelo Mena, Profesor de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso y ex Ministro de Medio Ambiente de Chile.
Ana María Hernández, Presidenta IPBES (Colombia)
Pablo García de Paredes, Panamá

​​​Moderadora: Carolina Yabroudi, INGSA LAC (Venezuela)

Soledad Quiroz Vice-President (Policy) INGSA -GLOBAL / INGSALAC Invitación a la Reunión Anual 2023. [6min]

Cierre del Primer Encuentro Anual INGSA LAC sobre asesoramiento científico en palabras de la Vice Presidenta de Política de INGSA – Global, Dra. Soledad Quiroz.