
Call for Mentors and Mentees! 3rd intake of Science Advice Skills Development Program (SASDP) – 2024-2025

Please Note: Information for Mentor and Mentee applications now available in Français!
Remarque: les informations relatives aux candidatures des mentors et des candidats sont désormais disponibles en français !

INGSA-Africa, the Africa Regional Chapter of the International Network for Governmental Science Advice, is delighted to announce the launch of the third cohort of the Science Advice Skills Development Program (SASDP-3).

This program aims to build the capacity of early and mid-career African scientists across the continent for the effective practice of science advice. Following the success of our inaugural mentoring program in 2022 and a second cohort in 2023, we are eager to continue this momentum. Twenty-two scientists, from 11 countries in Africa, have been mentored so far, by mentors from the African continent and beyond. The report of the first cohort can be found here.

We are inviting policy-active scientists/researchers/policy makers, preferably in a field connected to climate change (Health, Water, Energy, Food Security etc.), with the capacity to provide voluntarily one-to-one virtual mentorship over a period of 6 months, starting September 2024, to talented early and mid-career African scientists interested in learning about, and contributing to, science advice.

For more detail and to apply, download the Call for Mentors Information Pack

Pour plus de détails et pour poser votre candidature, téléchargez le dossier d’information sur l’appel à mentors.

Deadline to Apply: 15th July 2024

The objective of the SASDP is to support early and mid-career African scientists and researchers in strengthening their skills for science advice – influencing policymaking with their research findings, evidence and expertise. We invite relevant organisations, especially those engaged in science advice, such as recognised academic or research institutions and Academies of Science in Africa, to nominate qualified scientists and/or staff as MENTEES under this program. Additionally, self-nominations are accepted from eligible applicants.

For more detail and to apply, download the Call for Mentees Information Pack

Pour plus de détails et pour postuler, téléchargez le dossier d’information sur l’appel à candidatures.

Deadline to Apply: 15th July 2024

INGSA-Africa is proud of the achievements of the SASDP program so is excited be be able to support another cohort to share their knowledge and help to further build up the continent’s science advice capacity.

For additional queries please contact Dr Richard L.K. Glover (richkwame@yahoo.com ) at the secretariat of INGSA-Africa, with Dr Shaheen Motala-Timol (stimolsasdp@gmail.com ) in copy.