Taller de Fortalecimiento de Capacidades en Asesoramiento Científico Gubernamental y Diplomacia Científica – Bolivia, mayo de 2022.

Taller de Fortalecimiento de Capacidades en Asesoramiento Científico Gubernamental y Diplomacia Científica – Bolivia, mayo de 2022.

El rol del asesoramiento científica en la toma de decisiones de Gobierno Capacitación en webinario sobre Gobierno Científico y Diplomacia Científica Gubernamental (Universidad Católica de Santa Cruz – Bolivia) INGSA LAC y la Universidad Católica de Santa Cruz (Bolivia) organizaron un webinar sobre Gobierno Científico y Diplomacia Científica Gubernamental que se llevó a cabo los…

Inaugural INGSA-LAC Annual Meeting – ‘Where We Are And Where We Are Going’ – Colombia, May 2022 – Español

Inaugural INGSA-LAC Annual Meeting – ‘Where We Are And Where We Are Going’ – Colombia, May 2022 – Español

See the event website [Español]: https://ingsalac.wixsite.com/ingsalac-2022 See the event website [English]: https://ingsalac.wixsite.com/ingsalac-2022-en On May 31, 2022, the INGSA Latin America and Caribbean Chapter held its first annual meeting on “Government Scientific Advice: Where we are and where we are going”. The objective was to learn and share advances in scientific advice to governments and legislative…

INGSA @ GESDA Science Diplomacy Week – Switzerland, May 2022

INGSA @ GESDA Science Diplomacy Week – Switzerland, May 2022

RESOURCES: INGSA World Build Case Study on quantum technology: The Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator (GESDA) was founded as a think-and-do tank, providing deep foresight into the challenges facing humanity. By working at the critical juncture of science and diplomacy they are looking to create and empower a space where anticipation of problems and their…

If Covid-19 is the 9/11 Moment for Global Science Advice, What Needs to Happen Next?- Science Advice Under Pressure Conference – April 2022

If Covid-19 is the 9/11 Moment for Global Science Advice, What Needs to Happen Next?- Science Advice Under Pressure Conference – April 2022

Science Advisory Mechanism (SAM) & Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA) – Science Advice Under Pressure Conferencehttps://scientificadvice.eu/ Special Question-Time Debate Organised By: The International Network for Governmental Science Advice (INGSA) & The International Science Council (ISC) 14h00 – 15h30, Thursday 28 April, 2022: Room 1, 1st Floor, NHow Hotel Rue Royal 250, Brussels. Abstract:…

INGSA @ World Science Forum – South Africa, December 2022

INGSA @ World Science Forum – South Africa, December 2022

2022 was the first time that Africa had hosted the World Science Forum and it was an incredible opportunity to bring together some of the key players of the INGSA ecosystem in Africa. In particular we would like to thank Future Africa at the University of Pretoria and SciCom – Making Sense of Science for being generous in-country partners….

Hybrid Science Diplomacy meeting at ITER – March 2022

Hybrid Science Diplomacy meeting at ITER – March 2022

On the 10-11 March 2022, FMSTAN convened a hybrid meeting of members, in collaboration with the sister network of Science Diplomacy Coordinators in EU Ministries of Foreign Affairs. The join Science Diplomacy meeting was held at ITER in France, the site of construction of the world’s largest fusion reactor experiment. The meeting followed on from the…

Announcement of Winners – 2021 Call for Academic and Technical papers on science advice in emergencies

Announcement of Winners – 2021 Call for Academic and Technical papers on science advice in emergencies

The Africa Chapter of INGSA thanks all those who responded to the 2021 INGSA-Africa – 2021 Call for Academic and Technical papers on science advice in emergencies. The six papers submitted showed varying degrees of quality and content. Making a final decision on the winners was therefore not so easy. INGSA-Africa has the pleasure in announcing the…

Rebuilding Public Trust in Science – Southeast Asia Science Advice Network (SEA SAN) – Webinar, July 2021
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Rebuilding Public Trust in Science – Southeast Asia Science Advice Network (SEA SAN) – Webinar, July 2021

On the 28th of July 2021, the Southeast Asia Science Advice Network (SEA SAN) in collaboration with the INGSA-Asia Regional Chapter organised a webinar titled “Rebuilding Public Trust in Science” to examine the growing issue of declining public trust in science, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to highlight the value and importance of rebuilding that trust for…

Launch of INGSA-Africa Report – The Evolving Science Advisory Landscape in Africa – Webinar, July 2021

Launch of INGSA-Africa Report – The Evolving Science Advisory Landscape in Africa – Webinar, July 2021

Read and Download the full INGSA-Africa Consensus Report ISBN: 978-978-981-851-8 Launch of The Evolving Science Advisory Landscape in Africa Report Organisers: Attendance Hon. Dr. Monica Musenero, Minister in Charge of Science, Technology, and Innovation, Office of the President, Republic of Uganda, launched the report, with 58 participants in attendance. The participants represented government, private sector,…

INGSA-LAC at Foro CILAC 2021 – Español

INGSA-LAC at Foro CILAC 2021 – Español

See the Event Website! – https://bit.ly/3jHm0CJ  Watch all the sessions on Youtube: INGSA-LAC Foro CILAC2021 Playlist More Info: See the Agenda for INGSA-LAC at Foro CILAC2021 The INGSA Regional Chapter for Latin America and the Caribbean (INGSA-LAC) organised an extensive program of activities as part of CILAC 2021, aimed at disseminating INGSA’s efforts in government…

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