The Center for Rapid Evidence Synthesis (ACRES)

The Center for Rapid Evidence Synthesis (ACRES) is a Non-Governmental Research Organization based in Kampala, Uganda, whose core work involves supporting policy and decision-makers at regional, national and district levels in sectors including health, education, gender, youth and renewable energy to strengthen access to accurate and timely evidence for policies and decisions. The Center builds…

Science, Policy & Diplomacy – Can We Accelerate Progress on the SDGs? ASSAF, 2018

The following address was given by Sir Peter Gluckman in August 2018 to the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAF) in Pretoria. The 2030 agenda is encapsulated within the 17 SDGs and their 169 targets. This agenda has been criticized as being too broad to be meaningful and too aspirational rather than having the…

Approaches to Developing Capacity for the use of Evidence in Policy Making – INASP VakaYiko 2016

Around the world, we are seeing increases in domestic and international investment, recognition in the SDGs of the importance of research and information for sustainable development at a global level, and governments increasingly valuing local research expertise to inform national development. In all four of VakaYiko’s core countries (Ghana, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe) there…

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