INGSA-Africa News
The African Regional Chapter maintains an active calendar of events, workshops, and capacity building opportunities for member and science advice practitioners.
See below for information on upcoming opportunities and updates on past activities.
INGSA-Africa is always looking to expand its network of partners and supporters. If your organisation would like to discuss collaborating, please Contact Us.

INGSA-Africa hosts End-of-Year Chapter Meeting
INGSA-Africa held an end-of-year chapter meeting on Monday, 9 December 2024 from 14.00 to 15.30 UTC with a total participation of 38 made up of SC members, past and present mentees and mentors of the Science Advice Skills Development Programme (SASDP), registered chapter members and network partners. Dr David A. Mbah, FCAS, Former Executive Secretary…

INGSA-Africa: 3rd Cohort of the SASDP Underway
The 3rd cohort of the INGSA-Africa Science Advice Skills Development Program (SASDP-3), kicked off on 1st October 2024 after a successful Virtual Introductory Workshop on 26th September 2024 Following the success of the first two mentorship cohorts, the program has been considerable expanded with 22 selected mentees (12 male and 10 female) coming from Benin,…

INGSA-Africa: The Journey So Far Report
In February 2016, the INGSA-Africa Regional Chapter was established at INGSA’s first workshop in Africa in Hermanus, South Africa. This was INGSA’s first Regional Chapter and provided the model for all subsequent Chapters. INGSA-Africa was initially steered by a 5-member committee but later expanded with the addition of two West and Central African representatives and…

INGSA-Africa Continental Congress – 3rd October
This online African congress of INGSA members will be taking place on the 3rd October 2023 (11am GMT). Members can attend by using the Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_S7UfjEnmRByYhAAChFNhZQ We look forward to your involvement in this direction-setting meeting for INGSA-Africa

Science Journalists – Apply now for travel grants to the World Science Forum South Africa!
Open Call for Applications For the first time, the World Science Forum will be taking place in South Africa! One of WSF2022’s main objectives is to support the profession of science journalism, particularly in the ‘global south’. The Office of the Chief Scientist of Quebec, the Fonds de Recherche du Québec, the South African Department of…

Announcement of Winners – 2021 Call for Academic and Technical papers on science advice in emergencies
The Africa Chapter of INGSA thanks all those who responded to the 2021 INGSA-Africa – 2021 Call for Academic and Technical papers on science advice in emergencies. The six papers submitted showed varying degrees of quality and content. Making a final decision on the winners was therefore not so easy. INGSA-Africa has the pleasure in announcing the…

THE EVOLVING LANDSCAPE OF SCIENCE ADVICE IN AFRICA As part of INGSA-Africa’s 2020 workplan the chapter undertook an extensive consensus report on The Evolving Science Advisory Landscape in Africa. The aim of the report was to better understand the current state of play and the dynamics of various national and pan-national stakeholders providing evidence and…

Expansion of the INGSA-Africa Steering Committee
In February 2021, INGSA-Africa celebrated its 5th year as a Regional Chapter of the INGSA network. In that time it has run a range of capacity-building activities across the continent, and been an crucial element in the growing awareness and capacity of providing science advice to governments. To reflect this growth of the network and…

2020 Research Survey Report on the role of Scientific Knowledge in Policymaking: Scientist and Policymaker Perspectives
As part of their 2019 workplan, INGSA-Africa surveyed scientists and policymakers regarding their views on the use of evidence in policymaking across Africa. The research project was carried out with the support of the INGSA secretariat and the International Science Council Regional Office for Africa (ISC-ROA), The report provides insight and comparison into how evidence-informed…