Science Advice Tools

Tools for Science Advice Practitioners

Whether it’s engaging in the translation of knowledge to policy advice, or training others in techniques or skills to improve their effectiveness at the evidence/policy interface, it helps to have well-designed tools and resources to assist.

This list seeks to collate the best tools, toolkits, and practical resources to help practitioners increase the effectiveness of their work.

For the full suite of INGSA Resources search the Resource Library.

What Tools or Resources do you rely on? Share it with the network!

If you have found a tool or set of resources that you can’t do without, please share it and we’ll add it to the list!
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Tools – Science Advice & Science Diplomacy

TitleSummaryAuthorYearGeographic RegionTagsLinkhf:tax:dlp_document_yearhf:tax:dlp_document_regionhf:doc_tags
European Union Science Diplomacy Alliance

The EU Science Diplomacy Alliance facilitates interactions and dialogue, training, institutional capacity building and coordination …

Trustworthy Public Communications – European Commission JRC

This report provides evidence-based insights and recommendations on how public communicators can strengthen the future …

, 2024Europe, , , 2024europe2024 europe european-commission jrc
An evaluation framework for institutional capacity of science-for-policy ecosystems in EU Member States

Abstract: This report sets out an evaluation framework to assess the institutional capacity of science-for-policy …

2023Europe, , , 2023europeecosystem european-commission evaluation framework
Engaging with Evidence Toolkit – NESTA

This is a toolkit on how to utilise, synthesise, scrutinise, and engage with evidence and …

, , capabilities skills toolkit
Practical tools to support evidence use in policy-making – Emily Hayter

Article collating practical resources on evidence in policymaking – Emily Hayter, On Think …

, , 2023 principles tools
Global Young Academy Science Advice Resource Centre

The Global Young Academy also maintain a library of resources relevant to evidence-into-policy. There platform …

, , gya principles tools

Or you can search the full INGSA Resource Library here